Tuesday 27 September 2011

Internet Security

Internet Security is a kind of Computer Security specifically related with internet.
The goal is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.
there are many ways to make our data, ID card, and all of our frivacy save in internet,
we have many types of internet security :

Network layer security

IPsec Protocol

Electronic mail security (E-mail)

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

you just have to use one of type security internet to make your data already save from attack
but, people usualy don't do this because maybe don't now, don't understand, or may be don't care about this...
after his get attack and lost data, his ID card was hackered by some one else and after that he is finally wan't to started to use the internet security, but so late to make a action...
so, you must make sure your PC already instaled internet security now

Prevention is better than cure ^_^

All about me

Haii... I am Ozi Herlambang, 17 years old
I'm a Student of Univesrsiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
I study Business there, this is my first years...
ok, i think enough for introduce my self
bye bye... ^_^